Holy crap. I did it. I finally cracked the code on smooth camera controls (with a major shoutout to Errol for helping me troubleshoot my mistakes along the way)!
Folks, using Pinnacle Gamer Profiler, I've figured out a way to give you fully adjustable camera control
without sacrificing the speed of your mouse pointer's free movement. Furthermore, these controls allow you to independently adjust how fast the camera rotates vertically vs. horizontal rotation.
Update: I've come up with a couple of XPadder solutions as well, though they're not as robust (details after the jump).
These are extremely advanced settings in PGP, so I advise you to export your current setup to your desktop before attempting this stuff. That being said, I
highly recommend you take the time to explore this profile, as it will make your life so much easier in the long run. The profile I'm providing after the jump is highly experimental, and is intended as a testbed similar to my XPadder one, so it incorporates a lot of other ideas you might want to look at...I just wouldn't advise that you try to use them all at
In my next post, I'll be providing amended details on how to get a PS3 controller to function properly using MotioninJoy and PGP (to include configuring L2 and R2 as axes instead of just buttons), as PGP has proven very finicky when it comes to talking to MiJ.